Use "homosexuality|homosexualities" in a sentence

1. That homosexuality is ok?

2. Homosexuality was largely invisible during the Mao era because homosexuality was pathologised and criminalized.

3. Homosexuality Is “Animalistic" - Prof

4. This disease's name is homosexuality..

5. God hates murder, abortion, and homosexuality.

6. 8 Does God approve of homosexuality?

7. The programs condone fornication, adultery, homosexuality.

8. ● Why does God disapprove of homosexuality?

9. They countenanced premarital sex and even homosexuality.

10. Neurasthenia, dementia praecox, incurable homosexuality, epilepsy, melancholia.

11. How ought the church to view homosexuality?

12. Biological Explanations for Homosexuality Katherine Callan Opening This paper is aimed to address the question of whether homosexuality is Biologically based

13. Homosexuality remains quite taboo in South Korean society.

14. Causes and Becauses: On Etiological Theories of Homosexuality

15. Homosexuality is already illegal in Brunei, with a

16. “The Bible’s view of homosexuality is narrow-minded!”

17. 15 Britain's laws on homosexuality are hypocritical humbug.

18. 20 Psychoanalytic literature tended to explain cross-dressing as either a form of homosexuality or an escape from homosexuality resulting from castration anxiety.

19. 7 Their position on homosexuality is intolerant and ignorant.

20. Teenage pregnancies and homosexuality run riot among church members.

21. Asymbolical Homosexuality and the sentence so it was! Aseismicity

22. Stories about sado-masochism, fetishism, homosexuality, you name it.

23. How Can I Explain the Bible’s View of Homosexuality?

24. Some communities condone abortion, blood transfusions, homosexuality, or polygamy.

25. The Criminalisation of homosexuality entrenches the stigma associated with it

26. It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely Avowed.

27. In addition, more and more clergymen condone or practice homosexuality.

28. Homosexuality is legal in Hungary for both men and women.

29. Many view homosexuality, adultery, and premarital sex as rank immorality.

30. He has dropped homosexuality as an impediment to security clearances.

31. It is a society in which homosexuality is rarely Avowed.

32. However , this general trend of men showing lower tolerance for homosexuality than women is reversed in the one fitness-enhancing situation - female homosexuality , " say the authors .

33. Third, his anxieties about homosexuality were conjoined with class antagonism.

34. And let's not forget that 75 countries still criminalize homosexuality today.

35. It's widely assumed that his lyrics were coded references to homosexuality.

36. Some accept sexual immorality and homosexuality as just different life-styles.

37. Homosexuality, drugs, and the theory of evolution are generally considered taboo.

38. Homosexuality is observed especially between intelligent species, for example, between monkeys.

39. In the New Testament there are only four references to homosexuality.

40. Racism, prejudice against homosexuality, and religious intolerance are good examples of Bigotry

41. “Fornication” covers an array of sexual sins, including premarital sex and homosexuality.

42. Acceptance of homosexuality is as low as two percent in some countries.

43. 23 Similarly, Spong believes that homosexuality, by itself, is not a sin.

44. The play was the first commercially successful work dealing explicitly with homosexuality.

45. Today, many people —even some clergymen— soft-pedal the issue of homosexuality.

46. A more fundamental question is, What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

47. Others accept and support homosexuality - or even are homersexual - yet are Biphobic.

48. One delegate said that there was a clear congruence between homosexuality and paedophilia

49. 29 It is remarkable how similarly the law treats both homosexuality and pornography.

50. 16 hours ago · Bishops unfaithful to Church teaching on homosexuality

51. A GROWING number of people accept homosexuality as just an alternative life-style.

52. They came from Williams' dysfunctional family, his tortured psyche and his repressed homosexuality.

53. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) Homosexuality, incest, and bestiality are also sins against God.

54. Homosexuality is illegal in Brunei and can be punished with up to death.

55. 1984 – Homosexuality is declared legal in the Australian state of New South Wales.

56. Nevertheless, society tends to be very tolerant of homosexuality and same-sex relationships.

57. It seemed to indicate that the primary reason for the defection was homosexuality.

58. The country is tolerant of homosexuality, and it is largely respected and accepted.

59. An insightful, entertaining documentary about how movies have portrayed homosexuality down through the decades.

60. In fact, my earliest conscious tactic to hide my homosexuality involved being outlandishly homophobic .

61. Included in the new ‘X-rated’ material would be abortion, homosexuality, contraception and masturbation. . . .

62. To them, rejecting homosexuality is the same as rejecting people of a different skin color.

63. Three cases of homosexuality correction by electric desiccation under hypnoticsituation had all been done successfuly.

64. Question: "Is it true that the biblical Condemnations of homosexuality are actually referring to pedophilia?" Answer: There are some supporters of the homosexual movement who are interested in finding biblical justification for homosexuality.One tactic used to try to justify homosexuality is to claim that the Bible doesn't actually condemn homosexuality and that passages often interpreted as

65. The Chapmans surveyed 32 experienced testers about their use of the Rorschach to diagnose homosexuality.

66. In the FPÖ [ Austrian populist party ] they said that homosexuality is a culture of death.

67. But in a society where homosexuality is punishable by death, the movie is thought-provoking.

68. It may well have been rooted in a repressed homosexuality according to the psychoanalytic model.

69. Historically, Apomorphine has been tried for a variety of uses including psychiatric treatment of homosexuality

70. EXTRA, EXTRA: Reporter evokes Old Testament, asks Scheer if homosexuality a sin, Belabouring non-issue

71. As homosexuality was far more taboo in those days, the Bathhouses also provided a discrete setting.

72. Many say: ‘It’s all right to commit fornication, bear children out of wedlock, and practice homosexuality.

73. They may approve, even recommend, practices condemned in the Bible, such as homosexuality or marital infidelity.

74. Even though one government after another legalizes homosexuality between consenting adults, does this make it right?

75. Chechnya is a highly conservative Islamic society in which homophobia is widespread and homosexuality is taboo

76. A sizeable reservoir of homosexuality, which had been held in abeyance, suddenly stirred in the town.

77. Indeed, Scripture calls sexual sins like adultery, homosexuality, and bestiality Abominations (e.g., Leviticus 18:22, 29-30)

78. His first major public condemnation of homosexuality was in August 1995, during the Zimbabwe International Book Fair.

79. FEW would deny that homosexuality is talked about more openly today than it was several decades ago.

80. Synonyms for Buggery include sodomy, anal sex, anal intercourse, bestiality, enculade, homosexuality, pedication, reaming, zoophilia and oral sex